Cooking in practice

If you want to put (temporary) adjustments into practice, we understand very well that converting your own habit to a new food schedule can cause problems, because this needs time and a lot of discipline. Read the report of the nutrition intervention plan carefully, so that you already (re)know the necessary product knowledge and sciences, such as e-numbers containing the wrong substances for you or distorted product names that hide an unauthorized substance from you. All kinds of questions can come to you in terms of purchasing, storage techniques, cooking techniques, dish compositions and applying the right distribution key in a meal: carbohydrates, proteins, fats with attention to your dish combinations for a favorable absorption capacity, digestibility, fatty acids / omegas, fiber, vitamins and minerals. With supplements and medication use, your biotransformation system must also be supported.

We can offer you practical support: 

  • Guidance and assistance with the purchase of specific products without harmful substances
  • Biotransformation support by correct recipe composition
  • Read labels and detect and check distorted product names
  • Storage techniques concerning freshness and cross-contamination
  • Cooking techniques in dish preparation and adjustments due to metal hypersensitivity
  • Develop recipes within your elimination-in-rotation schedule
  • Dish preparation* in Mason jar or Pyrex Cook & Freezewe

We can prepare whole or partial dishes for you according to your feeding schedule.These dishes are frozen by us (Pyrex Cook & Freeze dishes) or prepared in mason jars.
At home, you only have to defrost / heat the dish in question. This allows you to apply your food schedule in practice more quickly.

If there are any questions that we have not discussed here, please feel free to contact us


ImmunoFood B.V.
Spellestraat  49
4724SH Wouw (N.Br.)

Ineke van Eekelen
P: 0031 (0) 657 345 912

Diploma / Certificate:
Higher Vocational Education:
Medical Basic knowledge

Social Hygiene
Allergen training

Consultation price:
€ 65,- / hour, excl. 21% VAT